Quotient Plays Integral Role in New Census American Factfinder Web Site

January 18, 2011−The United States Bureau of the Census recently launched its upgraded American FactFinder web site, http://factfinder2.census.gov, which includes a new design, more powerful search tools, and easier access to Census statistics. Quotient Inc. provided system and site architecture and development support and will continue to provide maintenance and support on an ongoing basis.

In addtion to the new user friendly design, new functionality includes a more powerful search engine including topic, geographic and address search; more powerful table manipulation tools like sorting, rearranging, and hiding rows and columns; and more powerful mapping tools that allow users to view data on a map and to be able to manipulate the map.

Currently, the system contains data from Census 2000 and population estimates from 2008 and earlier.  Beginning in February it will contain local-level data from Census 2010.  State governments use this data to redraw the boundaries of their state and congressional legislative districts. More data from other surveys will be added to American FactFinder in the future, and it will become the primary means for the public to access Bureau of Census data.